A funny picture to show you how unruly Sterling’s hair is in the mornings. Half the problem is I usually bathe them at night. So, while their hair isn’t wet when they go to bed, it must be just damp enough to aide in creating some crazy bed head. Add to that Sterling’s natural tendency to have crazy hair (remember months 6-12?), and it’s a deadly combination. The boy wakes up with the craziest “do” every morning, so I just had to share.

Okay, this is probably one of those times I should’ve put the camera down and helped my child out…but I didn’t. Sterling had fallen into the toy basket, and couldn’t seem to get himself back out. He was quite frustrated by this, but I thought it was hilarious! Poor boy.

The poor cats have lived in solitude, away from the babies for most of the past year and a half. Now that we’re all together again, Ella is obsessed with the “kitty kitty.” She has learned the sign for “cat”, and loves to chase Hannah and Symba around signing “cat” and saying “meow”. Luckily for Ella, Hannah is a patient kitty, and doesn’t mind all the toddler sized (that translates to REALLY BIG) affection Ella showers upon her. Symba on the other hand spends most of her time where ever the kids aren’t. Pretty much the only time we see Symba is when the kids are in their cribs.

Kisses for the “meow”.

Today we practiced our trick-or-treating. I tricked Ella into putting this costume on in exchange for a treat in her bucket. I’m working with them to say, “trick-or-treat” but I’m afraid that won’t be happening this year.
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