What a better way to start the New Year than hitting the slopes? Today we headed over to Oak Valley Golf and Ski Resort in nearby Munmak along with Sarah, Kevin and Eve. There was no downhill skiing for Ella and Sterling this year, but they really enjoyed the snow and sledding.

The Slopes.

Sterling, Ella, and Eve assess the powder. No risks of avalanche today!

Snow Bunnies. Or snow bums, whichever way you look at it. These three look like they stepped right off the streets of Aspen. Good thing Eve is heading to CO from here, she’ll fit right in! I have to add another funny story about their “fame” here in Korea. They’re actually sitting just outside the windows of little restaurant in the lodge. When the 3 of them decided to have a squat on the curb, everyone in the restaurant began taking pictures of the little causation babies outside their window. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, they are in for a rude awakening when we return to the states.

Everyone loved playing with the powdery white snow. Ella and Sterling both thought it was great fun to fling the snow into the air. Like sand, only colder.

Some of us loved the sledding more than others. I promise, Sterling didn’t hate sledding, he was just being fussy, wanting to spend the whole day in his Daddy’s arms. When Daddy is around, no one else will do. I swear, he has no loyalty to me, who raised him without Daddy around for the greater part of the first 11 months of his life.

The family that sleds together. Yes, I do in fact have a diaper bag hanging off my shoulder. Go figure!

Mommy and Sterling sledding. Weeeeeeeee......

Mommy and Ella sledding. Look at that grin on her face. You know the little girl who loves slides, thought this whole sledding business was great fun!

Mush, Daddy! Mush!

I swear, no one got hurt today! Ella just had such a fun and exciting time on the slopes; she was falling asleep on our way back to the lodge. Talk about being able to sleep anywhere! I doubt anyone could top that one!

Oh, did I mention there’s a Starbucks? Oh happy times! Life is good!

After a fun time sledding, we all moved indoors to warm up. We had a pizza lunch (cheese pizza…with corn on it…it’s a Korea thing) and defrosted in the very hot eatery. There were heaters at each table…I thought we would all die of heat stroke!

After a morning sledding, and a pizza lunch, this little boy was down for the count on Daddy’s shoulder. Time to go home and hit the crib!
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