Potty training that is. Today we broke out the Pamper’s Easy Ups training diapers. I have decided it’s time to grab the bull by the horns and help this little girl get potty trained. She’s given us just about every hint she possibly could give that she’s ready to PT, so I guess it’s time. Probably the reason I know she's absolutely ready is because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I put her on the potty today, she peed in it. I've found our "trick". Toilet paper. Forget stickers or M&M's all she wants is to be allowed to wipe herself. I guess it only makes sense. She's absolutely seeking independence these days, and what's one thing we've always done for her? Wiped her bum. So, today every time I put her on the potty she'd reach for the toilet paper and I'd say, "no, you can't wipe until you go pee pee." Then she'd concentrate really hard, looking like she's straining to go poo poo, get very, very still, and bam, she'd pee, and she wouldn't look up until she was absolutely finished. Then she'd look up and smile and say please and point to the toilet paper. After she peed, I'd give her a little square of toilet paper and we worked on wiping. Then she'd stand up, drop her toilet paper in the big toilet, pull up her pants and walk away. So big!

I was trying to fold laundry this morning when Ella decided she’d like to dress herself today. Don’t you love the ensemble she came up with? Very fashion forward, don’t you think? Expect to see this outfit on the runways at this spring’s fashion week.

Sterling works on building something great on his little tool bench.

Looking more and more like a big boy everyday.

I have to say I love some of the Korean children’s television. We do get Disney Malaysia, so we’re hip to The Little Einsteins, Higgly Town Heroes, and The Adventures of Pooh, but we also get a wide variety of other children’s channels. There are several really great channels like the “Talk, Talk” channel, which is nothing but shows geared towards teaching the preschool/kindergarten set how to speak English. It reminds me of those videos they used to sell when I was a kid that were supposed to teach your child to speak French. Does anyone remember Izzy? Another great channel they have offers kids singing and dancing through out the day. Needless to say, Ella and Sterling go berserk over this channel. They LOVE dancing and attempting all the movements the big kids on the TV make. It’s so much fun to watch them!

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