Sterling has found a new breakfast item he really likes. For months and months now I’ve had to start each day making a hot breakfast for the kids. Sterling has never been fond of eggs; so making breakfast for him has required a little more creativity. The other day I was eating a bowl of cereal and he kept asking for bites. So, this morning I offered him his own bowl of Kix. Guess what? He loves it. He’s pretty good with the spoon when the bowl is full of cereal, but towards the end when only a few pieces remain floating in the milk, he requires a little help in scooping them up. Of course, there are still the random misguided spoonfuls, hence the piece of cereal in his hair! Crazy boy! I can’t believe this child would rather forego a hot homemade breakfast for a bowl of cold cereal, but he does. Guess I should just be thankful cereal is fortified?

Have I mentioned exactly how much Sterling loves his trains? He got a few Thomas the Train wooden trains for Christmas this year, and I think they’re his very favorite toys of all. He loves driving his trains around his little track. I can’t wait until we move back to the states and we can get him his own train table! Won’t he love that?
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