That's what mom Gibson kept telling Ella...to finish her homework. If any pencils are left in sight of this girl these days, she's sure to start scribbling. The part that is so fascinating to me is, look at her tiny little hand. It's actually holding the pencil correctly! Maybe she'll grow up to be a writer? Or an artist (oh, won't her father be thrilled to have another artist in the family)?

While he may not have the grip on his pencil just right, he's just as happy to scibble along side Ella. Looks like it's time to revisit the Crayons!

Ella and Lucy take one more picture together before we head back to Atlanta. What is cuter than baby bum shots? When those bums are wearing monogrammed diaper covers! Ellabella and Lucy have matching diaper covers that actually go with their crab dresses, but we forgot to get a picture made at the portrait studio. Anyhow, couldn't let this photo opt pass us by.

Maddox must've heard we were heading back down to the beach in a few days, because we seem to have a little stowaway. Either that or he's become a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician and is inspecting the placement of Sterling's car seat. We hate to leave you behind little buddy, but I think your baby sister would miss you!
After recieving the green light from Maddox, we were back on the road again to see Grand-Mère and to spend some time at her new place down on Wadmalaw Island.

When we got back to Atlanta, Grand-Mère had the greatest surprise ever waiting for Ellabell...her very own baby! A baby with a bottle that laughs, and cries, and coos "mama". She's in heaven! As soon as she saw her new baby, she sat down and started giving it a bottle. Where did she learn that from?! What a sweet little mommy! You should've seen her face light up when the baby cried out. I think it was love at first sight!
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