Every waiting room should be so well stocked full of toys, books, crayons, even a train table!

Today was a pretty big first in my book...first haircuts! Sterling has sorely needed a haircut for a while now, and Ella just needed a little trimming and shaping. We went to Pigtails & Crewcuts, a salon just for little ones. They were great! From the fun airplane, car, and fire truck shaped styling chairs, to the animal crackers mid-cut, this place knows how to make first haircuts a little less intimidating. We even left with a first haircut certificate with a lock of hair and picture attached.

Who needs a cape, when you can take flight in a plane? Sterling refused to wear the cape, so we did leave with little tiny hairs all over his clothes, but that's a small price to pay for such a pleasant experience.

With a fake ice cream cone in one hand, on the other on the wheel, this hair cutting stuff is no problem. Of course, she did want to hold on to that paci for security the whole time.

Sterling held, very, very still when the stylist began trimming his bangs. Guess he knows better than to wiggle too much when someone is that close to your eyes with scissors.

Look at him...completely unconcerned with all this hair cutting business. He was far too interested in playing with all the little toys they kept handing him. I kept waiting for a melt down, but it never came!

Have you ever seen a baby boy so happy to have his hairs cut? This salon is wonderful! I’m so pleased that his first experience with the salon was such a good one.

Ella had so very few hairs trimmed, I'm no even sure this should count as her first haircut! She was more or less just along for moral support (which it turns out wasn't need).

And now, very sadly, he looks like a big boy. This is not exactly what I wanted, but I think Daddy and Uncle Billy will be very pleased. I on the other hand will be letting his hair grow a tad longer.

Freshly coifed, Ella proudly displays her new "do", sans the paci. I think she’s an awfully pretty girl, don’t you?
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