I took Ella down to the beach at sunrise to get these pictures...that cool ocean water is a great way to wake up!

This picture is too funny! This is Ella's new kissy face. For so long both the babies gave kisses with their mouths open. Very cute to us, but not so cute to anyone who doesn't love baby slobber. Just this week they have figured out how to pucker up for kisses. And they love to give 'em away!

Mommy with the two cutest beach babes ever!

Sterling loved playing in the waves with Daddy, as long as no waves crashed in his face. So, with every in coming wave, Daddy lifted the boy high over his head...while Mommy sat on the beach having heart attacks that her little boy was out in the waves. Needless to say, Sterling loved it, and thought this was a great game to play with Daddy.

Ella giggles at the waves breaking on the beach.

Have I mentioned exactly how much Ella and Sterling loved the beach? They spent hours this afternoon just playing in the surf with their shovels and buckets.

I had to post this picture to make Daddy and Uncle Billy happy. All week they've been going on and on about Sterling's wardrobe. They are in agreement with each other (and disagreement with me), that all of Sterling's adorable little Jon Jons and smocked bubbles are too "girly". Well, I completely disagree. I think he looks simply adorable all dressed up. But alas, I conceded to let Michael and Billy dress him like a "boy"...and guess what? He's still adorable! While we won't be saying goodbye to JonJon, shortalls, and bubbles just yet, he did look cute in his little polo shirt and madras.

After a day at the beach, Ella's cheeks were a little rosy. Nothing too bad, just a little sun kissed.

We can thank Grand-Mère for the patriotic touch. She gave the kids those flags just before we stepped out to take some pictures...needless to say, they wouldn't give those flags up.

What could possible warm a mother's heart more than seeing the bond between her babies?
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