She loves that thumb

Ella has been a very serious and dedicated paci girl from the get go. She has adored that paci sometimes to the point of obsession. She has become mobile only out of need to reach her paci. Everyone thinks it’s soooo cute how Ella will shout for joy when she sees Sterling. It’s not Sterling she’s so happy to see- it’s the pacifier in his mouth. No kidding, I have witnessed her pull Sterling’s paci out of his mouth and attempt to put it in her mouth along side her own. But as of late, something strange has happened. There has been a turning of the tides. All the sudden Ella has discovered her very useful opposable thumb. I’m not sure which is the lesser of the two evils. A pacifier can be thrown away eventually, but I do hate trying to keep up with those stinkin’ things. Of course, I guess whatever she wants to suck on is fine….. as long as she’s not trying to steal Sterling’s thumb!
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