Sterling rolling into surgery. He's so brave.... either that or he doesn't know what's about to hit him. Poor thing.
Sterling made it through his surgery with flying colors. Grammy drove over from Florence this morning to offer an extra set of hands and some much needed moral support. Children’s Health Care of Atlanta (CHOA) was incredible, and we were so pleased with their practices. Once we arrived they put us in a pre-op room where I changed Sterling into his teeny tiny hospital gown, then he feel asleep since it was his regular nap time. I was allowed to carry him down to surgery at 12:30 on the dot- no waiting at all!.

He just barely woke up when I laid him on the operating table, then the anesthesiologist gave him some gas and he went right back to sleep. At that point I left and went to wait for him in the recovery room. After he was asleep they put in his I.V. and spinal block to numb him from the waist down. By 1pm they brought him back to us in his recovery room.

Thank you so much to Grammy Linda for making the drive all the way to Atlanta to help out- I can’t begin to tell you how much that meant to our little family. Ellabell came along to support her brother. While we waited for Sterling to get out of surgery Bella had some 'nanas compliments of Grammy.

Such a big IV!

….for such a tiny little boy! I was so pleased with CHOA’s procedures regarding babies. They didn’t even put his I.V. in until after he was given gas to go to sleep. Then he was still so groggy and numb after surgery that he didn’t even worry about the I.V. being taken out.

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