Okay, so this is pitiful. It's been 10 days since the last time I managed to update the blog. The only thing I can say in my defense is we’ve been B-U-S-Y this past week. I swear I am going to try to post more often. I particularly feel bad because the last time I was on here I had received something like 2,500 hits on this blog, and as of right now I’ve had 3,044 hits. That means 500 times people have looked at this blog looking forward to more pictures, etc. of the twins, only to be disappointed. From now on I will truly attempt to post more frequently than every 10 days! Oh do I ever miss the days sitting in our boiling hot apartment in Korea with ah-jee-mah rocking a baby while I was able to type away on the computer. Well, it shouldn’t be too much longer ‘till we’re back in Korea with Daddy. Now that Mom is home and doing so much better we are going through the paperwork to get command sponsored in Korea. Once our command sponsorship is approved, I will go to Huntsville and set up our move date and flight back to Korea. At that point Michael will be able to purchase his ticket home. Everyone keeps asking when he’ll be coming to the states, and I can’t wait to offer an exact date to everyone. Soon, that’s all I can say.
The babies are doing incredible. Sterling is working on a couple new teeth right now. One has just broken skin, and the other is visible beneath the gums. The worst part of all this teething isn’t the crying, in fact, he hardly fusses about his teeth at all. No, the worst part is WHICH teeth he’s getting. One might assume that since he has his two bottom front teeth, next up would be his two top front teeth. Not my boy. He’s goofy, and his teeth are just proving that point. He’s getting his two side teeth now! No kidding! I guess Sterling will be going as Count Dracula for Halloween this year.
Ella does not have any more visible teeth coming in. Hence the picture- she’s jealous of Sterling’s goofy teeth. She is working on sitting up on her own now. They both are able to sit unassisted now for periods of time, but now Ella are attempting to learn how to get to the seated position on her own. Today I found her almost sitting upright in the corner of the crib after her nap. I think she’ll figure this one out pretty soon.
Sterling is scheduled for surgery this Wednesday. Poor little guy. I’m so upset. He couldn’t be circumcised in the NICU when they were born, so now he has to go under general anesthesia to have it done. The pediatric urologist gave us the go ahead to have it done anytime after 6 months, so we want to have it done while we’re still in the states, versus waiting until he’s a little older and back in Korea. I have great confidence in the doctor’s at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, and know he’ll be just fine. It’s certainly not that big of a procedure, but I do hate having him go under anesthesia. I’ll try to keep everyone updated about his surgery, but please think of our little man on Wednesday.
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