...jiggity jog. That's what Mom said to us everytime we pulled into our driveway growing up. Now, after nearly two months in the hospital, Mom has come home today. She’s doing so much better- it’s absolutely incredible! She of course is glad to be home, and can’t wait to finally spend some quality time with the babies. We’re just so grateful that she made it through the transplant, and can’t begin to express how strongly we believe that it was all the prayers from our friends and family that contributed to her amazing recovery.

I'm not sure who's more intrigued with who?

Ella and Sterling are going to be baby ducks for Halloween this year. Ella is "practicing" wearing her duck head.

While the "big kids" played on the playground at the park, the babies hung out with the Mommies on the bench. They can't wait 'till they're big enough to run around with Lorelai, Max, and Katelyn!
P.S. I swear Sterling really does have lots more outfits than just this one! I guess I got a little hung up on his Baby Einstein outfit.

Add this cute little guy to the list of boys who will be looking out for Ella when she's a teenager. This is Ella's other boyfriend, Travis. He was due 2 weeks after the twins, so his Mommy and I shared a lot of our pregnancy with each other.

Ella went on the swings for the first time today. Ms. Leah held her and she squeled with laughter the whole time. I swear, if she had the ability to speak she would have been shouting "higher, higher!" What a little dare devil she is.

Lorelai and Max were born with in a few days of each other, so we've always jokingly said they were going to grow up and marry each other (they just turned 3). I guess they're practicing their parenting skills on the babies. Does that make little Katelyn the nanny?

All the "big kids" enjoyed making the babies laugh. Lots of tickles everywhere!
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys

...and cowgirls. Everyone enjoyed "riding" the painted cow in the park with a little help from the Mommies, Leah and Emily.
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