This is such a fun time in the twins’ lives! Everything is new, and there are so many “firsts” to be had. We tried out our mesh feeding bags for the first time today.

These are such a neat invention. You simply put some type of fruit in the little mesh bag, and close it. They have a nice sized handle that’s easy for the babies to grip, and then they can enjoy trying out a new food without the risk of choking on it. Today I put a slice of banana in their bags and let them have at it. Sterling was soooooo excited once he realized there was a banana in the bag. He was sucking on the mesh as hard as he could! Ella was not too pleased with my choice of fruits. Guess she’s still not a fan of bananas?
Ay goo (Korean for "oh no!").

Sterling was infuriated when his bag was empty. I really think he’d eat the whole banana if I let him!
And just a cute picture of Sterling hanging out in the doorway jumper.
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