Sterling enjoying the great outdoors.........

Actually, I just wanted to post this picture because it shows how incredibly blue his eyes are. They may be fraternal twins, but one thing Ella and Sterling have in common are their eyes. I really hope they keep these eyes, but I guess we'll see.

Enjoying an afternoon with my two little loves. I'm afraid that pretty soon they won't both fit in my lap together anymore; they're growing so fast.

Sometimes Mommy can be so oblivious! I put Ella down on the ground, wanting to get her picture, but she wouldn't look up a me. I couldn't figure out what was holding her attention until I saw her try to pick up an ant! I had sat her down in an ant pile. Good thing she had tights on today, or I could have been in big trouble. Daddy might kill me if his little girl got eaten by ants!

Going home to Alabama means Ella gets to sleep in her very own crib. She's had to sleep in the pack-n-play ever since she got kicked out of the crib a couple months ago, so she was a very happy girl to get to sleep in her comfy crib. She'll be having sweet dreams tonight after a long day playing in the park with her buddy Maddox and brother Sterling.
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