Michael and I went out tonight for our first date since the babies were born.

Well, almost our first date. Their Grammy watched them when they were two weeks old while we went out to dinner with Becky and Todd- and she still teases us that we were only gone for 30 minutes!
Two of the incredible women Michael works with offered to watch the babies for the evening, so we went to Daegu to a place called Ariana's. It's a restaurant

with live music, and it was so interesting. I dare you to eat this.

I have no idea what this was, and I'm not that adventurous! Bare in mind, this is the same place Michael took my brother, Billy, when he was here, where they ate silk worms. Um, no, I'm not going to try anything unless I feel fairly confident that I can identify it. Thanks anyways. This was one of the performers tonight at Ariana's. Note the interesting cello she's playing.

They played a lot of American hits, but the funniest part was the variety of Korean people who got up to dance to the music. You had little 4 and 5 year old children, teenagers and twenty somethings, and middle aged adults. There was even a man sitting at the table next to us who was 91 years old! Oh, and Koreans can't dance. I thought I had no rhythm, but even I can dance better than these people! That's really pitiful! But everyone seemed to be having a really good time enjoying themselves. We of course called home 5 times in 2 & 1/2 hours to check on everyone. The babies were in caring, and very capable hands, (both these women have small children of their own) but I was still so nervous! I've never left them alone for that long, especially at bedtime! I was sure that one of the twins would have a melt down. I was so relieved when we arrived home to a quiet house full of sleeping babies. Maybe we'll actually get to go out on occasion?
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