Also, we will in fact be moving. Hooray! The housing people from the Army went and surveyed the villa today, and it passed inspection. I'm so glad. Although, I did just finish unpacking all the boxes of stuff I shipped over here, and have it set up just how I want it. Oh well, guess that's just the price we have to pay, right? The movers were going to come out as early as Tuesday, but we decided that probably wouldn't be a great plan since I'd have to be in charge of supervising all by myself. Instead they'll be coming on Saturday morning at 8am, so Michael can be here to deal with them. I think I'll just take the babies for a walk while they load everything so we're not in the way. I would think we'll be moved into our new place by late that afternoon since we really don't have too much furniture here, and they'll be bringing a crane to move everything in and out (there is no freight elevator here or there).
And lastly, we're waiting to hear the results of baby Max's blood work today. He hasn't received any platelets since last Monday, so if the numbers look good, he may get to go home very soon! So please, everyone pray today that those numbers are up. I know Becky and Todd are ready to finally have their new baby at home with them.
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