I was so happy yesterday to go to TARGET (I Heart Target) and buy an exersaucer! I decided I’d put it together after I put the kids to bed so I wouldn’t have to stop mid-assembly and lose any pieces. Well, we went to visit Mom at the hospital, and didn’t get home until after 10pm- don’t worry, I’m not a bad Mommy who lets her babies stay up that late, they’re just jet-lagged. But I did have them in bed by 11pm, and began working to put the exersaucer together.
Let me begin by saying when I opened the box, which read, “some assembly required,” all 67 pieces fell out! I should have known at that point I was in trouble, but I moved forward with the assembly. How hard could it possibly be? The box was misleading, it shouldn’t have read “some assembly required,” it should have come with a disclaimer warning that if you don’t have a degree in engineering you might as well give up now while you still have your sanity. I pushed forward, not one to be easily defeated and by 1:30 in the morning I finally had an exersaucer. Why in the world didn’t I buy a used exersaucer that someone else had already had the “joy” of putting together? I’m such a first time parent; I didn’t want the kids playing in something that someone else’s baby had already drooled on and crushed cheerios into. I guess I learned my lesson!
So, the kids had their first “exersaucing” experience today, and loved it!

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