So, let’s see, Ella and Sterling have made a couple new friends. The bumper in their crib has proven to be useful for more than just protecting their little noggins from bumps and bruises. They have found new “friends” in the characters printed on the bumper. Nap time is now delayed as they goo and coo at the ducks, bees, frogs, and turtles that surround them. Yesterday afternoon I could hear Ella over the monitor “talking.” When I went to check on her, she was on her side facing the bumper, and scratching at two little ducklings. I think she was trying to “catch” them! Who knew a bumper could be so entertaining?
They are also absolutely in love with their Fisher Price Ocean Wonders crib toy (thank you Puckett family!). As soon as you hit the button to turn it on, they are immediately captivated! Even if Sterling has been frantically crying, and impossible to calm, as soon as you lay him in the crib and turn their crib toy on, he stops fussing and will lay there with their with his little mouth open, starring in total fascination. Its 15 minutes of non-stop music, lights, and movement!
We have also officially started teething. They’ve both been supper drooly for about a month now. I can’t get them dressed in the mornings with out putting a bib on first! I saw Ella’s first tooth last night. It’s on her bottom right side. So far, only a tiny little bump has broken skin, but it’s definitely coming in! That probably explains why she’s been so fussy about eating lately. She will hardly nurse or take a bottle. I keep worrying that she’s going to starve, but everyone assures me the fat dimples on her knees guarantee that she’s not in any danger of perishing. I believe Sterling is also working on his first tooth. I haven’t found anything on his gums yet, but he’s taken up wanting to nurse for 45-60 min. at a stretch. I’m dying here! I just simply don’t have the time or patience to sit for that long and nurse. I guess the good news is, it’s giving me plenty of time to type and work on my blog!
Ella has also figured out how to roll from her back to her stomach as well as stomach to back. So, she’s very content to just roll around on the floor. She hasn’t quite figured out how to use her rolling to move in any one direction yet, but I have a feeling it won’t be long. Sterling on the other hand is just as happy as he can be to sit in his buzzy seat or the bumbo seat and laugh and blow raspberries. I have no idea what he finds so funny, but I’ll be doing housework, and will hear him in the other room just laughing at the walls. He also really likes to sit in the kitchen and just watch me cook or wash dishes.
The best new thing they’ve figured out is each other. They have found each other finally! They get the biggest kick out of sitting and laughing at each other. If one smiles, the other will smile, but if one starts to cry, that’s reason for the other to squeal with delight. And hick ups are the biggest rib tickler of all. They’ll be giggling at each other, and inevitably someone will get the hick-ups, which will be a source of never ending delight for their sibling. I love watching them interact finally. It’s very gratifying. And of course, since we’ve found our hands, and know how to use them now, having a twin provides plenty of opportunity to grab someone’s nose, ear, or hair. The other morning I had them both laying on the play mat while I did some housework, when I heard Sterling laughing uncontrollably, so I went to see what was so funny. Ella had his toes in her mouth and was sucking away, which must have been very ticklish to Sterling. But hands can be a problem to. Occasionally they’ll get a fist full of their siblings’ hair, and not want to let go, which results in a puddle of crying babies. So, that’s what’s new with our two! I’m sure their grandparents are more interested in this update than in stories about Korea.
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