Well, it looks like Ella, Sterling, and I will be returning to the states. We should be back on US soil by Sunday night. We certainly didn't expect to be returning to the states so soon, but I can't imagine not being there with Mom right now. She's in the ICU at Emory still, but she's bleeding in her stomach, so she's not stable enough to undergo transplant surgery. The doctors have to get her blood under control before any further progress can be made. I'm told she's pretty incoherent at this point. So, as long as I can make it through the flight by myself with two five month old babies- we're coming home. They did so good on the trip here, but I did have an extra pair of arms to help me. I truly pity everyone on our flight. And poor Michael; we just got here and now we're leaving him alone again. I think he's going to be pretty lonesome- but maybe he'll use the opportunity to catch up on the sleep he hasn't been getting since we arrived! Ugh, I get to deal with two jet-lagged babies once we get there on top of everything else.
Ah-jee-mah was so sad when I told her today that we were going back to the states for a while. She kept hugging the babies and saying, "no Sterling/ Alaina in my eyes for one month." I didn't have the heart to tell her it may very well be longer than a month until she saw them again.

I really wish we could bring her with us to look after the babies when I'm at the hospital! They've grown so fond of her, and truthfully they probably won't remember her by the time we get back here. She allowed me to take her picture with each baby before she left today.

We will certainly miss her, but we'll definitely be calling her as soon as we get back to Korea! America, here we come...
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