We stopped at the GA state line rest stop to eat and take a break from driving. It was such a pretty day, I wanted the kids to get to enjoy some of the sunshine. As always, we were approached by lots of people asking "are they twins?" I think I may apply a bumper sticker to their stroller that says, "Before you ask, yes, we're twins."

Of course, we've gotten to meet plenty of people all over the globe being an "oddity." Today a lady at the rest stop offered to stroll the babies around while I went to the restroom. Um, NO! Isn't that a Lifetime Television movie of the week or something? Do people really let complete strangers walk off with their children while they go to the bathroom? At a reststop! Anyhow, we politely declined. So we made it safely back to Georgia, and I've been able to update my blog with lots of new entries and pictures all about our trip (29 entries to be exact). And for anyone who's been living under a rock, or just doesn't care- Georgia Bulldogs beat the Crimson Tide yesterday.... Goooooo dawgs!
(And yes, Sterling is wearing his sister's pink bib in the above picture.)
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