Both babies had their check ups today and "passed" with flying colors. They also got 4 shots each. Truly, 4 teeth and 8 shots is more than any mother can handle! I wish I had stock in baby Tylenol with the rate we're using it at. Add to my list of things I will NEVER do by myself again- taking the babies for their shots by myself. The check up wasn't hard, but not being able to comfort both babies at once during and after their shots was awful. It really was right up there with taking an international flight by myself. I simply refuse to do it again.
Sterling has pulled ahead in the size department.

Ella weighed a whopping 14lb.11oz., and was 26 in. long! She also had four shots- poor thing.

In other news of the day, we tried bananas for the first time. The monkey of course LOVED bananas. Ella on the other hand wanted nothing to do with them. So far I haven't seen either one of them out right balk at a food, but it happened today. Ella simply refused to eat the bananas. Every spoonful kept getting spit back out. Finally she just wouldn't open her mouth anymore. It didn't matter what I did, nothing was going to get her to open her mouth. She just clamped her lips shut and turned her face away from me. I can't believe it! Maybe she's not as much like Michael as everyone says she is. Her father looooooooves banana pudding. He'll be so devastated. Oh well, I guess Sterling will just get to eat her portion!
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