So ah-jee-ma started this morning at 10am. The babies had just awoken at 9am, eaten, and were playing when she arrived. Ella had been all smiles all morning, but as soon as ah-jee-ma came in, Ella became very nervous and clingy. She wouldn’t let me put her down. If I even tried to put her in her bumbo seat that bottom lip would immediately pop out. It made me feel so bad to see her so scarred, when just minutes before she was in such a good mood. Sterling on the other hand really surprised me. I was sure he wasn’t going to let this stranger near him, but instead he was really taken with her. He was smiling while she was holding him, and giggling every time she spoke to him. I actually think it may have something to do with the fact that he’s used to hearing English spoken, so hearing her speak in Korean to him sounded really funny to his ears. I’m really glad Sterling was so interested in his new nanny.
Once the babies were laid down for their morning nap, she began to do a TON of house work. I couldn’t believe it. I kept trying to communicate to her that she didn’t have to do all that, but she just kept saying, “When I’m here I clean good.” I guess the apartment wasn’t “cleaned good” before she got here. Of course, I did stay up until midnight last night cleaning so the place wasn’t a wreck today when she got here. I guess it still wasn’t up to par. So she buzzed around like a tiny little bee, doing a major cleaning. I hate to think what ah-jee-ma would think if she saw our house in Alabama, because it really has been a nightmare since the twins were born, no scratch that, since I got pregnant. I also kept trying to tell her it was okay to turn on the Whisen and cool the apartment (and all the people in it). She was on her hands and knees washing the floors, and wouldn’t let me turn on the only source of cool air we have! She kept saying, “Neh (no), leave windows open.” I’m not sure what her aversion is to nice cool air, but needless to say, I was sweating to death, and I wasn’t even the one doing all the work! So then I offered to make lunch. She likes bologna and mayonnaise sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies. I offered her a glass of sweet tea, but she was pretty much not having any of that, but she does like iced coffee!
When the babies woke up from their nap, Ella was in a better mode, and much more receptive to this stranger in her house. She was still a little unsure, but she’d at least smile at her now. Sterling was just as tickled as he could be that the funny new lady hadn’t left. He enjoyed all the attention she gave him. I’ve mentioned before that Koreans are extremely attentive to their babies. I tried to put them on the floor for some tummy time so they could practice rolling around, and ah-jee-ma, said, “No, egg-ee (baby), not till 5 month.” So, I guess by Korean standards, Sterling isn’t behind just because he’s not a rolling fool like his sister. She just carried Sterling around, jiggling and bouncing him. He loved it! She also gave the babies massages. It was neat. I know baby massage is all the rage in the states right now, but I’ve never really looked into it. It was interesting to watch. Sterling loved it. He lay completely straight as a board, and just smiled the whole time she was doing it. Even Ella (or Ellen as ah-jee-ma kept calling her) warmed up to her when she gave her a massage. Who doesn’t love a good massage? They probably remembered all those great prenatal massages I got at Spa Sydell while I was pregnant!
By the time she left this afternoon, both babies were doing pretty well with her. She even sung Ella to sleep! She sings the most beautiful songs. They must be lullabies, because I hear the word “egg-ee” in them, but they’re very haunting. To my ears they sounded almost Indian. I think she’ll work out great, once the kids are really comfortable with her. Then I’ll feel good about it too. She’s very attentive. She probably thinks I’m an awful mother for having these babies in disposable diapers. I don’t think she understands that they don’t have to be changed every few minutes. She kept changing their diapers. She also scolded me for being on the babies play mat with them! She said, “oh-ma (mommy), no” and shooed me off. Opps. Oh, and she just about died when I turned on the Baby Einstein DVD. She exclaimed, "Television!?" I couldn't explain to her that they don't really watch it, they mostly just fall asleep to the music. I just hope I’m not doing anything culturally to insult her. She did say she’d be back Wednesday, so I guess I haven’t offended her yet! Oh, but I didn’t mention the biggest problem- I have no idea what her name is! I couldn’t understand what she was saying at all, so I gave her a pad of paper and a pen, but of course she wrote it in Hangul, so I still have no idea what her name is! Anyone care to take a guess?

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