So, I finally did it! I loaded Sterling into the Baby Bijorn carrier, and Ella in my arms, and we made it downstairs! Michael had secured us a single umbrella stroller to use. I don't think you're supposed to use the umbrella stroller quite this young, but serious times call for serious action! And Mommy was going to go crazy if she had to sit in the apartment one more day! So off we went with Ella in the umbrella stroller, and Sterling riding on me like the little monkey he is!

Ella did really well riding in the umbrella stroller. I kept a close eye on her to make sure she wasn't sliding down, or falling out of the straps, but we didn't have any problems. She kept herself upright, with those tiny little legs sticking straight out in front of her the whole time. And of course, Sterling just loved being in the Baby Bijorn. That is his favorite mode of transportation these days! We've found that we can go out for several hours at a time with him as long as we have the Baby Bijorn with us. He loves facing outward, and watching where we're going. He never falls asleep in the carrier, he's just as wide eyed as he can be, taking in all the new sights. Of course, as soon as you put him down, he'll just fall asleep, he's so exhausted from all the new stimuli.
So, we walked past the oak tree where we were of course "assaulted" by all the ah-jee-mas, the little old Korean women who sit under the shade of the oak tree in front of our apartment all day long. They of course wanted to coo at the babies. Koreans are so animated with babies! It always scares Ella and Sterling. I think they're just used to a more laid back attitude. So, here the ah-jee-mas were clapping in their faces, and clicking their tongues, and I thought for sure our walk would be coming to an end full of tears. But they didn't cry- but Ella did have that bottom lip poked out. Sterling just looked confused.
So we walked on, and made it up to the "ville." That's the strip of street right outside the Army base where all the businesses cater to American GIs. Most the business owners will speak enough English to complete a transaction in the ville. So, the ville is where you go for dry cleaning, and you'll probably be able to communicate enough to get your clothes back. There's even a restaurant there called "Country Cooking." of course, it's not exactly country cooking as in okra, corn bread, and sweet tea. It's not Grumpy's! No, most of their menu still requires chop sticks. Then, we left the ville and started to head home. Did I mention how unbelievably hot and humid it is here? So, I stopped into a little store off one of the side streets, and bought a strawberry popsicle type thing. There was a little Korean boy, maybe about 7 years old, in the store with his mother, who was so proud of himself. He walked up to me and said in his very best English, "Hi how are you? I am fine thank you." It was so cute! He was so tickled with himself for speaking English. I of course had to compliment him on how well he spoke.
Our walk was very successful, and I'm hoping to be able to start doing that daily. It was nice to get out of the apartment. Once I get my driver's license, I'm sure things will be a lot easier.
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