Who doesn't love an all American ice cream sandwiches on a hot summer afternoon? These two loved this classic treat!
Last summer she couldn't keep these swim bottoms up. This year she's been only slightly more successful. What can I say? My kids didn't get much in the bum department.
After sticky ice cream sandwiches, there's only one way to clean your face...dip it in the pool!
My little Asian princess practices her fan dance.
What's better than a husband who brings you flowers? One who plants pots full of flower to bloom everyday! Love him! And what pretty flowers!
A good visual to describe how big Michael's garden is now. About twice as tall as a two-year-old boy!
Hmmmm...some thing's just not right here. That's our neighbor's the Chung's dog Heddie.
1 comment:
Yae for your return to blogdom!! You have been missed!
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