Today was set to be a busy day, so Ella made sure to catch her last few ZZZZZZZ's before we started out on our adventures.
First will filled our bellies with omelette's, fresh fruit and kimchi. This is Ella's idea of the good life...eggs and toast served seaside every morning!
Then of course we had to feed the fishes! Look at those mouths! Scary!
Our first stop of the day was the Teddy Bear museum. Where else but Korea would you find a museum boasting the most expensive teddy bear ever sold (for a cool $190,000!!!!! Ella took one look at the Louise Vuitton teddy, stretched out her arms and sad, "awww, I LOVE it!" Yes, little girl has expensive tastes and poor parents!
Those hats make it pretty easy to keep up with our two! Okay, well, that and they're the only two non-Korean children around!
Okay, here's a funny Ella story. So after you tour the Teddy Bear museum, you take a swing by the gift shop. When we went to the gift shop, we told Ella she could pick out any teddy bear she wanted for a souvenir. I went on and on about she should choose wisely, because while she could pick any bear, she could only have one. Sterling was given the same offer, but he didn't want any teddies. Somehow, I knew that would be the case. So after looking at all the displays of teddy bears waiting for a home, Ella found her teddy. She picked out a little tiny pink teddy on a key chain. I tried so hard to encourage her to pick one the the cute full sized teddies, but she just kept saying she wanted the "baby teddy". So, that was that. Let the child pick from a room full of teddies, and she'll pick a key fob. Well, I felt bad that her souvenir would only be a key chain, so I picked out a full sized teddy for her, but so far, it's baby teddy that she loves the most!
After the teddy bear museum we were off to find Chonjeyon Waterfall. I say "find" because Michael flagged down a taxi to take us to the waterfall, but he refused us! The driver said the waterfall was too close and pointed us in some general direction. So we set out on foot. Did I mention we didn't bring the stroller on this it was a slow walk to the park where the waterfall was located. Eventually we found it, and being quite proud of ourselves, began the hike to the falls.
Made a few wishes in the fountain...
Then began to cross this scary bridge...
For some breath taking views. Notice that blue on the horizon, that's the sea.
Awww, I love this picture.
Sterling didn't want to ride on Michael's bag on the walk down to the waterfall. It was slow going, but he made it down all the stairs. Now, walking back up to the top was another story. Then he was all about being carried!
Beautiful, isn't it.
Talk about a balancing act! One in the front and one in the back!
Finally! A half way decent family pic! Thanks to the kind tourist who snapped this great shot for us!
This is so ingenious and an answer to way Koreans are generally more slender than Americans. Heck, I guess most the world is more slender than Americans! After seeing the falls we founds a vender in the park selling pineapple on a stick! Just as refreshing as a popsicle, and even more tastier!
And after all that we headed back to the hotel pool for a refreshing dip before nap time.
We woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. Look at that girl's grin!
We went next door to the Lotte hotel to take the kids for a ride in a swan boat.
No, it's not a totem pole, it's a Daddy pole!
And of course, what vacation would be complete witout plenty of treats and ice cream.
After a barbeque dinner, we watched a dragon show. It was great! Think lots of flashing lights, exploding volcanos, spraying water, and two little children saying, "no, no drabby, all done drabby, go way drabby." Okay, they were terrified when they first saw the fiery beast, but after they warmed up to it, it was all they'd talk about! We went back to the hotel and had to watch the video of the drabby again and again.
Watch a little bit of the dragon show by clicking on the film strip below...
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