He was a hit!
We also dewinterized the boat, and started taking it out again. It was still too cold to actually swim, but we enjoyed some rides and picnics on the water.
The Saturday before Easter we attended an egg hunt at our church.
And saw the Easter bunny, again.
Easter morning the Easter bunny left a trail of eggs for the kids to follow.
Because Sterling's diet allows for no sugars/candy, the Easter bunny had to be a little creative in filling his eggs this year. Sterling's basket contained lots of eggs full of cars, trains and other little toys.
We also took a trip to the Southeastern Railway Museum.
The most handsome little conductor ever!
We also went on a picnic with friends.
When I took this picture Ella said to Sterling..."I've missed you so much! I'm so happy you're home!" Melt.my.heart! I think the last few months have been harder on Ella than any of us noticed. Being away from her brother, always having one parent at the hospital. It's been hard. I agree with her sentiment.
Trying to give this straight haired girl some curls.
We also took our first of what I'm sure will be many trips to the Atlanta zoo.
So this spring finds us improved. Life is getting better. We haven't seen any seizures during Sterling's waking hours since February. He still has tonic clonic seizures in his sleep once, sometimes twice or three times a week. We're settling into the diet, and trying to return to life as we once knew it. Slowly, Sterling comes back to us. It's amazing to watch him, and we continue to pray that he makes a full recovery and we gain total seizure control one day.
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