Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 2011

January sailed in on an arctic blast of cool Canadian air. We had record snowfalls for the state of Alabama, getting 11 in. of snow in one night! What a beautiful sight to wake up to. A true winter wonderland!

Looking up our street. I think my crazy husband was the only driver on the roads. He just HAD to take the truck with 4 wheel drive out!

Sterling proved he was much smarter than his sister. He stuck to the tread paths left in the snow, whereas Ella flung herself like a mad goose into every snow drift she could find.
I truly wonder if she feels cold like the rest of us do. She loved, loved, loved tromping in the snow.

Of course, we had to go to Grammy's house to play with Maddox and Lucy and build a snowman with Daddy.

Global warming?

The snowman was a group effort. Every time Michael tried to pack snow on, the group would undo his efforts!

A war eagle snow bird?
I had to include this picture. Ella took scissors to her bangs just before Christmas. They're starting to grow out, but I had to document this part of her childhood!

Some bunny loves Daddy snow much!
Snow much in love!

The last weekend in January we got to see my cousins while we were in Atlanta. The kids had soooo much fun playing with Katie, Ellie, and Annie! They loved all the attention showered on them by their doting older second cousins.

Monday, January 24, 2011

December 2010

We started the holiday season with story time with Santa at the library with some of our friends.

It was so wonderful to watch these two little boys enjoy playing games of chase with each other just as they did last year, before Sterling got so sick.
Looking good before church.

Partying at another birthday party.

Visiting with the man in red. They LOVED Santa Claus this year!

Headed to school.

We decorated gingerbread houses with friends.

The final product...

We also had a Christmas party with our MOPS friends.

And a Christmas luncheon at school with Santa Claus

Parents were invited to join the class for their luncheon.

I loved having the opportunity to see the kids in their classroom with their peers. So sweet!
The night of the 16th, the kid's had their school Christmas performance at the church. Their class sung a variety of Christmas songs, then the children were allowed to preform individually. This had to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I was so proud of my sweet babes! Look at this boy running down the aisle!

The FUMC day school 3-year-old class.

She was so excited and spent more time waving and smiling than actually singing!
Ella saying the Christmas Star poem.
I had to hold back tears when Sterling stood up and sang "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in front of the whole sanctuary full of parents. One of the proudest moments of my year!
Ella led Chloe and Joanna in singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town".
Daddy brought flowers for Ella.

A few of our little friends from school. We're so lucky to go to school with such a sweet bunch of kiddos.
Grandpa and Grandma came bearing Christmas gifts for two good little boys and girls.

The honorary fam...Ashley, me, Grammy, Becky, and Amy.

Goooo dawgs!

One of the best Christmas surprises? A white Christmas in Georgia!