October, October, you were so busy! What does this mean for the coming holiday season?
First off, it was school picture month. So sad, it's the last of their preschool pictures. How can they possibly be ready for kindergarten next year? Sob!
Sterling also had soccer pictures this month. Every time we turned around it felt like someone was taking some kind of a picture! I'm so glad Ella won't take her dance pictures until May, it gives us time to recuperate from all these pictures!
And his team picture.
Goooooo Yellow Jackets!
(green sweat shirt)
We also started October with our annual church picnic. This year the children's choir sang at the picnic.
Goooooo Yellow Jackets!
(green sweat shirt)
We also started October with our annual church picnic. This year the children's choir sang at the picnic.
Since we were about to experience a very big change in the kid's lives, we decided to let them play hooky and miss school for the day. We took them to every kid's favorite place....Chuck E. Cheese. Yes, Michael and I braved the frenzied children, loud games and singing mouse for a day of fun for them. They're not really old enough to make any progress with most of the games, but that didn't matter to Sterling. He rode the truck until he was out of tokens!
And this was Ella's favorite ride. Every time you ride it, it takes a picture of you with Chuck E. that prints out when the ride is finished. Ella kept stuffing coins in it and walked away with a stack of pictures. It's a good thing she's not vain or anything.
Pizza with Daddy.
Sterling and Chuck E. (I can't believe Ella vacated the ride long enough for Sterling to have a turn!)
They were so proud of their tickets, can you tell? And of course, all those tickets bought them each a two cent trinket that is long since lost or broken.
Making Sterling's favorite treat in the whole world, brownies, on a Saturday morning. They've both discovered the joys of licking the bowl.
And of course, what Saturday morning would be complete without a soccer game? Did you read the sarcasm in my voice. I am over soccer. It consumes our one and only morning of the week to lounge around and do NOTHING! Sigh, this too shall pass, right?
There's my #23!
Two monkeys.
Cheering on the team from the sidelines.
The very saddest day of the month...Daddy left for work in Kuwait. He's taken a job with a government contract agency and will spend the next year working just outside of Kuwait City. While it's a great career and we're so blessed he was able to find work immediately after getting out of the Army, it was still heartbreaking to say goodbye. One of the upsides to him going to Kuwait as a civilian contractor versus as a soldier is the opportunity for the kids and I to go over there and stay with him for long periods of time. We're hoping to go as soon as Christmas, once he gets settled in.
But in the meantime, goodbyes are always hard.
One more picture with Daddy to keep until our next happy reunion. Godspeed, Michael.
Ella is a victim of the newest trend amongst little girls, the hair feather. Several little girls we know have gotten feathers and I knew it would only be a matter of time before she was asking for one.
Sterling also got a much needed haircut! It's so nice to see his eyes and ears again!
It just so happened that my very good friend, Tracy, was working for a weekend outside of Atlanta, not too far from grand-mere's house. When I heard where she'd be working, I knew we should make it a road trip. I hadn't taken the kids to visit grand-mere in months, and I knew she wouldn't mind having an extra "grandchild" running around. So, while Tracy worked that Saturday I took Ella, Sterling and Ollie to another Chuck E. Cheese. My kids have been begging to go back since Michael and I took them, and I knew it would be an easy way to kill time.

While in Atlanta there happened to be an underground_food_market going on. Can you say "yum"? Seriously, delish! And what a fun way to spend an evening!

Ella tries what would become Sterling's favorite food of the night, meat loaf topped with Gruyere mashed potatoes. He seriously was obsessed with these little hearty bites. He spent the whole night asking for more and we actually bought the last portion from the vendor!

Before leaving Atlanta, Tracy and I made the spur of the moment decision to take the kids to the Georgia Aquarium. Ouch, that's an expensive decision, but in the end, I think it was very worth it. The kids loved it equally as much as the adults.
Our ragtag crew.
I think the best exhibit at the aquarium has to be the Ocean Voyager exhibit. I'm always just as mesmerized as the kids when going through the underwater tunnel.
It truly is awe inspiring!
I love the aquarium. How many other times in your life do most people get the chance to get this up close and personal with the beasts of the deep sea?
Ella says the Tropical Diver exhibit is her favorite because it had "pink fish". What. a. surprise.

Petting sting rays in a hands on exhibit.

This was Sterling's very favorite part of the aquarium. He absolutely loved touching the sting rays and we had to make several return trips to the tank to do it again and again.
I'm amazed no one ended up in the tank, aren't you?
Ella was so excited to see this picture of the two of us together. I'll have to hold on to that memory when she's a teenager and rolls her eyes at the very mention of taking a picture with her mom!

Ella's class went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch. Sadly, I had to work in my own classroom that day, but I was fortunate enough to know another mother who was chaperoning and offered to take some pictures for me. Look at all those platinum blond girls in her class! It's amazing the teacher can keep their names straight! There must have been something in the water that year.

They all had so much fun picking cotton, feeding chickens, playing in hay stacks, and running corn mazes.

Oh, and of course, picking pumpkins too! When I picked her up from school that afternoon, her teacher told me she worked very hard to find the very smallest pumpkin in the patch. I'd believe it, that thing was tiny!
I did get to attend Sterling's farm field trip with his class.
They had a hay bale the children could all play in.
All the kids loved climbing to the top of the hay and sliding back down.
This was Sterling's very favorite part of the whole day. As soon as he got off the bus and spotted the horse it was all he could do to wait his turn. I didn't know if he might become intimidated after getting up on the horse's back, but he didn't. He really and truly loved riding horseback. Maybe we should we ask Santa for a pony for Christmas?
Giddy up, cowboy.
The owner's of the horse were so kind. They let Sterling take a while looking the horse over after his ride examining his teeth and horse shoes. Sterling is still talking about the horse's "big teeth".
These two are just trouble, look at them!
We also roasted hot dogs the old fashion way.
And of course, what campfire would be complete without s'mores to top it all off?
This year Ella had the opportunity to dance with her dance studio at the Renaissance Fair.
Her ballet class preformed their "rays of sunshine" dance for onlookers.
Prima ballerina.

Sterling's school had a fall festival party the Friday before Halloween. All the children attended in costume and by the pictures I'd believe they all had a wonderful time.

I had to work the day of their party so I couldn't attend, but again I was lucky enough to have someone on the "inside" snapping pics for me! What would I do without my friends?

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