Well, maybe. Kinda sorta. Let's just say he's no Pele. In his defense, Sterling really had the chips stacked against him going into this season. He was the very youngest on the team, physically he was the smallest/shortest on the team, and truly, even after a year of physical and occupational therapy, he was probably the weakest on the team thanks to 9 months worth of seizures that robbed him of a lot of muscle tone. Regardless, I think he had fun this year, and I *think* we'll do it again next season. I have so many pictures to share from their short 6 week season that I figured it warranted it's own post on the blog.
That's my little number 18!
Okay, does the hands behind the back describe exactly how not aggressive my boy is? Truly, I think he could stand to be a little more competitive, but eh, I guess it's just not for everyone.
He may be the slowest on the team, but he was certainly the most entertaining and comical. He'd run by the bleachers shouting, "look at me mommy, I run fast, I'm a super hero!" So funny!
The three amigos in descending height and ascending number order. The funny part was it was totally random the numbers they got. We didn't even pick up our shirt on the same day as our two buddies!
And from the front...
Say cheese!
Do you see the coach carrying my kid back into place? That happened a lot this season. Thankfully, my child wasn't the only one who required a "hands on" approach.
I will say I was incredibly pleased with the coach of his team. He made very sure that each child was given the opportunity to kick the ball during the games.
And he kicks!
Why he walked around holding his shorts up all season, I'm sure I'll never know.
That's Sterling on the far right.
The season concluded after 6 weeks with each child receiving a medal for their participation.
Los Dos.
How cute does he look? He was so proud of himself and his medal. Precious! Well, it may have at times been an incredibly frustrating season, reminding him to listen to his coach and get back on the field, but all and all, I think it was a good experience for him. He had the opportunity to be a part of a team and learn a new sport. And the pride he has when he says, "I play soccer!" is enough to make me think we'll sign him up again next year. Lord help us!
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