Easter was, as always, filled with lots of festivities and deserving of it's own post apart from April's recap. Besides, I have tons of pictures to shamelessly share!

Like last year, we made resurrection rolls at our MOPS Easter party. I loved the reminder from my friend Tracy about how different this year was from last year. Last year, during the making of the resurrection rolls, Sterling couldn't even be in the room. I left Ella with the other MOPS mothers while Sterling and I walked the halls. He had been released from the hospital after starting the ketogenic diet just days before. Afraid it would be too difficult for him to watch the other children baking with delicious marshmallows, sugar, and crescent rolls, we had to steer clear. This year he was right in the middle of the celebration! Even more blessedly, not seizing!

Some of our MOPS kids ready for an egg hunt.

And of course, like last year, we had to have an annual picture of Grammy walking with all her
grandchildren. It's amazing to me how much they've all continued to grow and change. Gone are the toddlers, and here are the children, the big kids.

We enjoyed beautiful weather for our annual church egg hunt in Wilson Park.

Some of us take this egg hunting business very seriously.

The payoff? A basket over flowing with eggs. We won't need to purchase any candy in this household until Halloween!

My attempts at getting a nice bother/sister picture of them simply fails some days. You wouldn't believe how frustrating it can be coaxing two four-year-olds to
look at the cameras and smile. Not like a loon. A nice smile. No look at me, not over there. Sheesh, I give up!

I guess the sweetest smiles are caught on the random...

The Easter bunny received a sweet reception.

And the above picture perfectly illustrates the scary loon smiles my children give when I ask them to say "cheese".

And of course, what Easter would be complete without the dying of boiled eggs?

I love watching the dexterity of his little fingers and the sheer concentration across his face. He lost so much fine motor control and muscle tone from his battle with epilepsy. His concentration is still challenged by the number of meds he remains on (which we hope to start weaning soon). Watching him so focused and so precise in this task is heart warming. Amazing what you take for granted until you no longer have it.
Easter morning we attended the sunrise service while the Easter bunny visited our house. He was sure to leave lovely baskets for two lil chicks.

They were pretty darn excited to find what Peter Cottontail had left for them.

Gotta love his enthusiasm!

And her's!

Since when did Easter turn into a second Christmas? I may need to send a memo to the Easter bunny next year re: down sizing next year's basket full of goodies!
As if the hat and dress weren't enough, she requested to wear her white gloves. That's my little southern belle!
Love em!
Boys will be boys!

We hosted Easter dinner at our house this year. I love dressing up the table for a dinner with loved ones!

We also continued all the egg hunting festivities with an egg hunt in our backyard before we sat down to Easter dinner.

These three searched high and low for eggs, but didn't manage to find them all. We're still finding little colorful eggs hidden amongst the foilage.

Of course, not all of us were interested in hunting eggs. Some of us prefered to spenf the evening driving around observing the festivities. To each his own!
We truly hope you had as beautiful and blessed an Easter as we did this year!
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