She’s such a girly girl! Grand-Mere sent this darling dress last week, but none of us took into consideration that Ella might be starting to have color preferences. This morning I had to all but beg and bribe her to get dressed. She didn’t believe the dress was hers…because it’s blue! She kept saying, “No! No! Sterling’s shirt!” I eventually convinced her she could wear it because the fish had pretty flowers on it, but man, I’m afraid I see some fashion battles in our future.
Now, just the opposite of his sister, Sterling is nothing but boy and wouldn’t care if he was wearing a paper sack as long as he could run and play!
And they're off! It's a race to the summit and Sterling is in the lead!
After our trip to the park, we stopped by Camp Long to have lunch with Daddy at the Katusa snack bar (Korean food for the Korean National workers on base). Yum, dak gulgi!
Get your own seat!
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