Ella started ballet this year, so we wrapped the dance year up with her first recital. Her petite ballet class (3 and 4 year olds) danced to "I am a little pink cloud". They were truly precious little clouds in their pink sequins and marabou.
Yes, lots of hair product and make up was involved. She had so much fun playing "dress up!"
Grandmother and Grandaddy drove in for the debut performance.
As well as Grandmere! I'd say this was one bravoed ballerina.

We're so proud of our little pink cloud. It's been so much fun watching her dance this year and I hope we have many more dance recitals to look forward to!
Okay, 5th from the right in this picture....
The overly enthusiastic arabesque in the center....
This was probably the cutest part of the dance. All the little clouds started giggling as they danced in a circle together.
In this pic, she's the 6th from the right...
7th from the right...
The short one in the very center...
We're so proud of you, Ellabella! You're our prima ballerina!